Ethical Sourcing Policy
us / we /our / Bag People means Bag People
At Bag People, we’re committed to maintaining our leadership role in our industry, by subscribing to high standards of ethical conduct.
We recognise that our corporate and social responsibilities reside as much in our supply chain as they do in our own activities. Therefore we continually seek to ensure that the products and services we source are ethically produced. We will do this by working with all of our suppliers to positively influence our social, ethical and environmental performance.
Preferred Suppliers
Are those who respect and comply with relevant laws, regulations treaties, covenants or other agreements, such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO) standards. We look for suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to implementing policies and practices consistent with and complementary to, our own. We believe these considerations to be the platform from which responsible behaviours can be built.
Labour Standards
We expect suppliers to have sound labour practices; we expect them to treat their employees fairly, in accordance with local laws and regulations relating to labour and employment.
Employment is Freely Chosen
Suppliers will not use forced, bonded or involuntary labour. Workers must not be required to lodge ‘deposits’ or their identity papers with employers; they must be free to leave once their shift ends, or after giving their employer reasonable notice.
Child Labour
Suppliers shall not use child labour. ‘Child’ is defined as a person who is younger than the local legal age for completing compulsory education. Suppliers shall verify the age of their workers and maintain copies of their workers’ proof of age. Suppliers shall follow all applicable laws, regulations and the ILO standards regarding working hours and conditions for all employees.
Involuntary Labour
Suppliers shall not use involuntary labour. ‘Involuntary Labour’ is defined as work or services extracted from any person under threat or penalty of its non-performance, and for which the worker does not offer himself or herself voluntarily. It includes all manner of prison, bonded, indentured and forced labour. Workers must be free to leave once their shift ends and free to leave their employment after reasonable notice.
Immigration Law Compliance
Suppliers shall only employ workers who have a legal right to work, including workers obtained through an employment agency. Workers’ legal rights to work must be validated by reviewing original documentation prior to commencement of work.
Working Conditions are Safe and Hygienic
Suppliers shall provide a safe and hygienic working environment. They shall also provide continuous monitoring to ensure compliance with applicable legislation, regulations and the ILO standards. Suppliers shall ensure that personal protective safety equipment is available and that workers are adequately trained in its use. Safeguards on machinery must meet or exceed local laws, and workers shall be provided with all appropriate protective equipment.
Working Hours
All working hours will comply with national laws and benchmark industry standards, whichever affords greater protection. Overtime work should be voluntary, and overtime should not be requested on a regular basis. Suppliers shall guarantee breaks and days off in compliance with applicable law.
Wages and Benefits
Suppliers shall provide wages and benefits that comply with all local laws and regulations or match prevailing local manufacturing or industry rates, whichever is higher. Overtime pay shall be calculated at the legally required rate, regardless of whether workers are compensated hourly or by piece rate.
Regular Employment is Provided
To every extent possible, suppliers must ensure that all work is performed according to a recognised employment relationship established through national law and practices. Obligations to employees still apply even if employees :
- work under labour-only contracts
- work from home
- work under apprenticeship schemes where there is no real intent to impart skills or provide regular employment
- are required to sign and re-sign fixed-term contracts of employment